Other names for cromolyn are cromolyn sodium and Intal. Nedocromil is also called Tilade.
Cromolyn and nedocromil help prevent wheezing by making your child's airways not react as much to asthma triggers. Examples of triggers are pollens, animal danders, cold air, exercise, and air pollution.
Cromolyn and nedocromil are long-term control medicines and do not immediately open the airways. They do not provide immediate relief for wheezing or asthma attacks. They may prevent asthma symptoms when taken before being exposed to an asthma trigger such as exercise, pollen, animals, or cold air.
For acute asthma attacks, your child will need a quick-relief medicine.
For more information see:
Bronchodilators, Short-acting Beta2-Agonist
Bronchodilators, Short-acting Anticholinergic
Cromolyn can be taken with a nebulizer or metered-dose inhaler (MDI) and spacer. Nedocromil is taken with an MDI and a spacer.
Cromolyn or nedocromil is usually taken 3 to 4 times a day. Extra doses may be needed before exercise or exposure to allergens.
Your prescribed dosage of __________________ is 1 ampule (nebulizer) or _____ puffs (MDI) ______ times a day.
Side effects are rare. Your child may have a dry mouth, cough, or irritated throat. Some children complain about the taste of nedocromil.
To prevent symptoms of asthma, cromolyn or nedocromil should be taken regularly several times a day. They can be taken 15 minutes before exercise or exposure to cold air or allergens to prevent symptoms.